ST25RU3993硬件说明-Calf & Fermi Demo Reader - Hardware Description

2018-08-13 13:37:12 281
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ST25RU3993硬件说明-Calf & Fermi Demo Reader - Hardware Description 2V0

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2

2. Key Features ......................................................................................................................... 3

3. Applications ........................................................................................................................... 4

4. Reader System Description ................................................................................................... 5

5 Interfaces ............................................................................................................................... 7

5.1 USB ............................................................................................................................ 7

5.2 UART Interface .......................................................................................................... 7

5.3 Pin Header Interface Description ............................................................................... 8

5.4 Programming Interface Description ........................................................................... 9

6 Reader Part ......................................................................................................................... 10

7 Controller Part ..................................................................................................................... 16

Copyright .................................................................................................................................... 17

Disclaimer .................................................................................................................................. 17

Figure 1 - Reader Part ......................................................................................................................... 5

Figure 2 - Controller Part ..................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 3 - Pin Header Position (all dimensions in mm) ....................................................................... 8

Figure 4 - Programming Interface (all dimensions in mm) .................................................................. 9

Figure 5 - RF Tracks - Impedance Calculation (dimensions in mil) .................................................. 10

Figure 6 - RF Part - PCB Stackup ..................................................................................................... 10

Figure 7 - Schematic Reader Section ............................................................................................... 11

Figure 8 - Schematic Loop Filter ....................................................................................................... 11

Figure 9 - Reader Indicator LEDs ...................................................................................................... 12

Figure 10 - Schematic Balun Section ................................................................................................ 13

Figure 11 - Schematic PA Section .................................................................................................... 14

Figure 12 - Schematic Directional Coupler........................................................................................ 15

Figure 13 - OAD Pads ....................................................................................................................... 16

Figure 14 - Schematic MCU Section ................................................................................................. 16

1. Introduction

The Calf and FERMI Reader is a small form factor and low costs EPC Class 1 Gen 2 UHF RFID demonstration reader system. Leveraging AS3993 or ST25RU3993 UHF RFID Reader IC, provides close to the industry’s lowest BOM cost, best in class power consumption with the least amount of complexity.

Second only to ElecKits Calt & FERMI design the low reader BOM enables UHF RFID markets that have previously been out of reach due to cost restraints. With regards to overall cost vs. performance the Calt & FERMI UHF RFID demo reader is unmatched in the industry.

With an external PA delivering up to 22 dBm, it is ideally suited for those applications that have similar cost constraints but require that extra power

The Calt & FERMI demo reader comes in two parts namely the analogue (reader) and digital (controller) parts. The user can separate the two stacked boards to fully prove out their own RF and digital parts. With this set up it also means the user can evaluate the suitability of UHF RFID in their current system.

The reader portion is designed such that it can be easily connected to a host MCU via SPI. The high level of integration found on the ST25RU3993 UHF RFID Reader IC allows for minimal code loading and quick implementation.

The designs come with free, fully portable code and all Gerber data and schematics. This allows for a quick, trouble free design in.

2. Key Features

 Interface

o Between the Controller and Host Computer: USB (optional UART)

o Between the Controller and the ST25RU3993 is SPI via a low cost pin header connection

o Between the RF board and the Antenna we use a U.FL (50 Ohm) SMA (Male)

 5V power supply from USB.


o Adjust Output Power

o Adjust Receive – Sensitivity

o Adapt to different frequency schemes (FCC ETSI)

o Change Gen2 specific parameters like BLF, Coding, Anti-Collision Slots, …

o Diagnostic Features: RSSI Measurement, Reflected Power Measurement

o Support for sending ST25RU3993 related direct commands

o Advanced Tag Manipulations: R/W to different memory banks, define passwords

o Associate tags with other applications like media player

o View and easily manipulate register settings with advance tool tip text.

 Low Power Consumption: complete reader system is only 780mW (typ), 830mW (max)

 Fully Gen 2 compliant, ISO 18000-6b & 6c

 Differential TX chip-output configuration

 Differential RX chip-input configuration

 External power amplifier RF2172

 Maximum output power 22 dBm scalable in 20 steps

 Low cost MCU: Microchip (PIC24FJ64GB004)

 Indicator LEDs

3. Applications

Typical applications for the CALF & FERMI demo reader include:

Embedded Consumer Applications

Mobile Applications (Low Power Handheld, PDA’s, Smart Phones)

Embedded Industrial Applications


Desk top readers

Low/Mid powered modules



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